7 reasons I should not start this blog

7 reasons I fear starting this blog:

  1. No on wants to hear my musings on love, caring, healing, reading, playing and connecting.
  2. My information is not needed on the World wide Web.
  3. I know there will be people who will disagree with me.  I am okay with that.  I don't want this blog to be a place of contention and stress.  Better not create a space at all!
  4. Time... oh the time it will take to be create and write new/very old things that will be engaging to you as a reader.
  5. I don't read enough books to keep up on all the great books out there.  Better off staying in my little corner, reading away and sharing my thought with one friend or client!
  6. A large majority of your family and friends don't know about energy healing work and will be soured by it and will walk away from me and say mean things about me.
  7. There are already so many blogs out there discussing the current science and wisdom of healing and creating. Who will want to come read mine? 
Oh how fear can get the best of us and if we allow it, can take us to a very deep and dark place very fast.  I refuse to let the enemy win.  I want my voice to be heard.  I want those of you that are in need of a safe place to come and muse with me to do so!
 Fear(according to Merriam Webster) is defined as: 
  1. the emotion experienced in the presence or threat of danger
  2. an uneasy state of mind usually over the possibility of an anticipated misfortune or trouble
These 7 reasons above invoke the emotion because of a threat of danger or loss or contention.  Also, an uneasy state of mind over anticipated misfortune or trouble, specifically with family relationships.  However, now that these emotions have been named and expressed, I am free to change the mindset and choose the opposite of fear.  

 assuranceboldnessconfidenceself-assuranceself-confidencebraverycouragecourageousnessdaringdauntlessnessfearlessnessfortitude stoutnessvaloraudacitygutsnerve  calmcalmnesscontentcontentmenteaseeasinesspeacepeacefulnessplacidityplacidnessquietquietudeserenenessserenitytranquillity (ortranquility), tranquilnesscomfortconsolationreliefsolace

 Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.  With a leap of faith, I invite you along this journey of self discovery and musings!
